Contact Me

Person walking along a sandy beach with a clear blue sky and ocean in the background.
+64 204 585 384

I am based in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand.

Please note: I am not available to attend to crisis.

If you are in urgent need of support please contact 111 if your life is in danger, or any one of these 24/7 helplines:

Crisis Assessment Team (CAT): 09 4868900
Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865
Oranga Tamariki (Child Protection Services): 0508 326 459
Youthline: Free text (234), or call (0800 376 633).
The Lowdown: Free text (5626) or call (0800 111 757).
Need to Talk? Free text (1737) or call (1737).
Parent Help: Free call 0800 568 856